Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random TV thoughts....

my new favorite show is Flipping Out on Bravo...I mean Jeff Lewis is a beautiful disaster and the relationship between him and his housekeeper Zoila is precious. In other bad TV news Melrose Place will be on soon and as much as I want to hate it because I know it will be awful, let's face it people I'm going to watch that ish even if it has ashlee simpson in the cast. Melrose Place Trailer

in better TV news there was an article in the new york post with the actress who plays Tara in TruBlood and she claims the show will just get even wilder...i cannot wait!

Two songs that made my drive to work this morning great

if old school mariah and old dirty bastard don't make you happy in the morning i don't know what will...." />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="339" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always">

Ol'" Dirty Bastard - Baby I Got Your Mone

Top cities for a simpler, calmer life...according to Yahoo

also check out 10 Affordable Ways to De-stress

by AllHealthcare, on Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:49pm PDT
By: Nina Kim and Georgia Price

Whether you’re an EMT dealing with life-or-death situations, or a home health aide caring for difficult patients, any job in healthcare can be overwhelming and stressful. Learning how to manage stress and channel it through positive means is vital, not just for a successful career, but for your happiness and well-being too.If you don’t take time to unwind, constant stress can lead to a number of physical and psychological problems, like poor concentration, depression, back pain and weight gain. It also weakens your immune system and increases your risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease.That’s why AllHealthcare came up with these 22 different ways to de-stress without breaking the bank. So hit pause, relax and indulge in some much needed (and affordable!) R&R. A hardworking healthcare professional like you deserves it!

1. Do Something You Did All the Time as a Kid

Do you ever long for those days when your biggest concerns were nap time, recess and Saturday morning cartoons? You’d build pillow forts at slumber parties, climb the biggest tree in your neighborhood and catch fireflies at night. It’s amazing how much less complicated life was back in the day.Just because you’re all grown up now doesn’t mean you can’t still partake in the simple joys of childhood. Turn off your Blackberry, disconnect from the internet, and act like a kid whenever you can. Revel in the refreshing nostalgia, and feel the positive associations and memories melt away your stress.If you have kids of your own, have them participate in these activities with you. Ride a bike to the park. Start a pick-up kickball game with your family or friends. Make a snowman in the wintertime. The possibilities (and your imagination) are endless.Cost: FreeMore Info: Think of your favorite childhood pastimes

2. Volunteer Your Time or Expertise

One of the best feelings in the world is giving back to others. As a healthcare professional, you have tons of knowledge and experience, so why not share your skills with someone else? Volunteering can be something small – like reading a story to young cancer patients one day a month – or something bigger – like serving as a disaster relief nurse. No matter what you do, you can be content to know that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life.Not only is volunteering incredibly fulfilling, it’s also a great resume builder. If you’re a recent grad or career changer, volunteering can give you valuable training and hands-on experience to jump start your career in healthcare.Non-profit associations are always looking for more help, so even if you can only donate 5 hours a month, your time will be very much appreciated and well worth the effort.Cost: Reading at your local hospital or cleaning up litter at your favorite park costs next to nothing (just factor in the transportation costs and pack your own lunch). Volunteering abroad may cost the price of airfare and lodging.More Info: Check out AllHealthcare’s exclusive Guide to Volunteering. You can also Google “volunteer” and your town and state or visit, American Red Cross,, Volunteers of America, and Habitat for Humanity.

3. Stretch, Breathe and Meditate

It’s hard not to feel stressed and overworked by the hectic pace of a hyper-connected society that moves at the speed of MyFaceTwitSpaceBlackBookBerry. Before you go into meltdown mode, hit pause, relax and take a breather.Even if yoga’s not your thing, basic meditation, stretching and breathing techniques, though seemingly simple, can work wonders for your stress relief. When you stress out, tension is stored in your body, causing pain and tightness, especially in your back and shoulders. Stretching will get your body loose and your circulation flowing in full force again.To meditate, find a relaxing atmosphere, sit on level ground (find a cushion if uncomfortable), close your eyes, relax every muscle and breathe deeply with your abdomen, not your chest. Focus on each inhale and exhale to exclude other thoughts and quiet your mind.Cost: FreeMore Info: Google “how to meditate” or visit

4. Hang Out With Your Funniest Friend

It’s been scientifically proven that laughter is both preventive and therapeutic. It decreases your stress hormone levels and boosts healthy hormones, like endorphins, strengthening your immune system. You even get a mini workout for your abs, diaphragm and your shoulders.Not only will laughing with your friend boost your mood, it’ll take your mind off all the stressors in your life. It offers a release from the pent-up emotions and frustrations you may be feeling, and the emotional bonding will boost your self-esteem and feeling of connectedness to others.Laughter really is the best medicine, so call up your funniest friend and hang out. You’ll be glad you did.Cost: FreeMore Info: Call your funniest friend


Nothing beats a good night’s rest. Patients buzzing you non-stop? Holier-than-thou doctors bossing you around? Many healthcare professionals bring their troubles home with them and that equals more stress for you and your loved ones. Why not sleep it off? Getting even 30 minutes of shut eye can help you relax and put your problems in perspective.If you’re going to try to sleep off your stress, make sure you’ve got surroundings that promote good quality rest. A dark, cool, quiet room with few electronics is best. Feeling antsy but still want to rest? Try a cup of Valerian Root or chamomile tea. A warm bath can also help put you in a restful state of mind.Cost: FreeMore Info: National Sleep Foundation

6. Visit the Shooting Range

Does your stress ever turn into rage, and you want to rip your hair out and scream? Before you tear down your curtains and punch that hole in your wall, consider paying a visit to your local shooting range.There’s something curiously calming about loading a gun, aiming, squeezing the trigger and hearing the bullets rip holes into a paper target. Not only does it release the physical tension that’s been building up from your stress, but you also get the satisfaction of taking home your target and showing off your killer aiming skills to your friends.Shooting ranges generally charge by the hour, and the prices are reasonable if you have your own gun. Renting a gun isn’t that much more expensive, but if you wanted to take a class, they’re a bit pricey, ranging from $40 to $65.Cost: $10-18/hour if you have your own gun; Renting a gun can be $10-20/hour extra; Classes run $40-65More Info: Google “shooting range” and your town and state

7. Buy Cheap Paints or an Art Project at a Hobby Store

Looking at art definitely has its calming effects, but it’s not always just about the product. You don’t have to be Picasso to get the health benefits of producing beautiful works of art either. People who make art as a hobby find that the process of self-expression through unwinding and creating art can be extremely soothing as well.Artistic self-expression originates from Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, who theorized that the power of imagery could tap into the thoughts, memories and feelings of a person, whether conscious or unconscious. Art therapy is thus frequently used in hospitals, clinics and rehab facilities to promote physical, emotional and mental wellbeing via creative expression.Making art helps lessen anxiety, stress and depression, and promote self-awareness, self-esteem and insight into your life. You can pick up reasonably priced art supplies or art kits at any hobby store. Just set aside an art space, turn on some relaxing music and paint to your health.Cost: $7-25More Info: Google “art store” or “hobby store” and your town and state. For more info on art therapy, read Mending the Heart--Calming the Mind With Art Therapy

8. Cook a Delicious Dinner with Items You Have in Your Fridge
America’s “Fast Food Nation” mentality has us plowing through processed, barely digestible microwave dinners and super-sized extra value meals. Not only is our physique suffering, our stress and anxiety levels are off the charts. Everything around us, even food, is moving at the speed of light.Back up, slow down and consider taking the time to cook your next meal with simple items you already have in your fridge and cupboards. Cooking takes patience and persistence. The process of chopping, measuring, stirring and sautéing can be incredibly therapeutic.Check what ingredients you have in your kitchen, and look up a recipe (see below). Pick something simple to make, so the preparation and cleanup don’t stress you out. Let the culinary sensations, like scent, sight and touch mesmerize you. Finally, take pride in the sense of accomplishment as you slowly enjoy your delicious meal.Cost: FreeMore Info: Visit any of these websites to get recipes based on ingredients that you already have:•

9. Go on a Hike or Go to the Park

Sometimes we get so caught up in traffic, shopping malls and the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget to stop and smell the flowers. But when Ralph Waldo Emerson said “adopt the pace of nature,” he wasn’t being poetic—he was being entirely scientific.Science has proven time and time again how the psychological benefits of nature can calm the brain and better your mood and concentration. Hospital patients recover faster when they have a view of trees and flowers from their window, and children with attention-deficit disorder exhibit less symptoms in a natural environment.So get back to basics, and enjoy nature. Bring a blanket to the park and lie out, or go for a hike and take in the scenery. Bask in the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate all the colorful simplicity of the outdoors. Your brain’s health depends on it.Cost: Mostly free (Some parks/hiking grounds may charge $3-5)More Info: Check out this great interactive park directory or just Google “hiking trail” or “park” and your town and state

10. Take a Bath with Candles and Aromatherapy
The recuperative and healing properties of water have many stress-relieving benefits and allow the body to fall into a deeper sleep. Submerging in a bath tub relieves your body from the constant pull of gravity, and heated water relaxes muscle tension, improving circulation, range of motion and energy flow.Melt away your stress by creating a mini spa in your bathroom. Turn on soothing music, dim the lights, light candles and prepare fresh towels. The music will drown out household sounds that you may associate with everyday stressors, and relaxed lighting can go a long way when creating a peaceful mood. You can pick up high-end aromatherapy bubble bath soap, skin-moisturizing oils and exfoliating body scrubs on the cheap at your local T.J. Maxx, Marshalls or Ross.Most importantly, make arrangements for your well-deserved uninterrupted solitude. Turn off your cell phone, log out of email and if you have roommates or family around, tell them to leave you alone for an hour or two. Be sure to prepare your bed beforehand so you have a nice, comfy space to crawl into after your bath.Cost: $4-18, depending on how many spa items you want to buyMore Info: High-end spa items are always available at deep discount at stores like T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross

Friday, August 14, 2009

Starbucks just made me mad....

Justice for Aizze! Defend an Immigrant Worker Unfairly Victimized by Starbucks
8:15 pm By la Macha · Immigration society12 Aug 2009
Found via Twin Cities Star Bucks Union
Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that Aizze was the best barista at the Snelling & Selby Starbucks in St. Paul, MN. She knew every regular’s drink and could make a latte in 28 seconds. She has 20 MUG awards for her job performance, and was never written up in her two years of service, nor was her till ever ‘over’ or ‘short.’ Her coworkers and customers loved her; they called her ‘Aizze’ (pronounced ‘Ozzie’), short for Azmera. This description is in the past tense because Starbucks wrongfully fired Aizze on July 8, 2009. Starbucks management accused her of theft, although they themselves ADMIT that they have no video or other evidence to support their accusation.
Adding insult to injury, Saint Paul District Manager Claire Gallagher took advantage of Aizze’s limited English abilities and bullied and manipulated her into signing a promissory note saying she would pay Starbucks the arbitrarily- determined amount of $1200. Acting through the notoriously anti-worker law firm Olonoff, Asen & Serebro,. LLP, Starbucks has since sent Aizze a letter threatening to send their baseless claim to a collections agency.
Azmera is not a thief. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Azmera has been a citizen of the U.S. for the past ten years. She has worked at Starbucks for the past two years. Together with her husband, a Taxi driver, Azmera is the proud mother of three young children. Aizze is an honest, deeply religious woman who loves her job and works hard to care for her family.
How did this happen?On July 8, 2009, Aizze was told to sit in the back room at the end of her shift, alone with St. Paul District Manager Claire Gallagher. For almost two hours, she was not allowed to leave, and no other workers were allowed to enter. The DM made a conference call with “Partner & Asset Protection” Manager Chris Vanderhoof and together they began to interrogate Aizze. When Aizze informed her interrogators that she did not understand what they were saying, they just repeated the same words over and over. Aizze was not offered an interpreter. She was told that if she didn’t sign the promissory note, they would call the police and have her arrested. Thinking of her children, she signed the paper. Her interrogators told her flatly that they had no proof or video of her stealing money, yet they accused her of theft. Aizze never stole. If there was change someone didn’t want from a transaction, Aizze put it in the tip jar, but she never, ever stole.
Why Aizze?We can only speculate on why Aizze was targeted, but one thing is clear: Starbucks thinks they can get away with victimizing her because she is an immigrant and a non-native English speaker.
What You Can Do To HelpWe all have a responsibility to stand up for the most vulnerable amongst us. We will not sit idly by while Starbucks management victimizes one who has come to this country seeking a better life. We demand immediate reinstatement, the immediate nullification of the promissory note, and an apology to Aizze. Justice must be done for Aizze and all workers.
DEMAND JUSTICE, Call:Regional Vice President SUMI GOSH at 312-342-8701Regional Director DIMITRI HATZIGEORGIOU at 312-731-8909St. Paul District Manager CLAIRE GALLAGHER at 651-260-5079

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Because sometimes we need a little Raaaanndy in our life...

one of the funniest comedians out there...Aziz Ansari aka Raaaandy

High Paying & Stress Free Careers |

Good Morning peoples....looking for a stress free career? something to think about!

High Paying & Stress Free Careers |

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm on a Boat!!

Yesss we went on a boat on vacay...swam in the ocean and the Boca was one of the best things I've ever done. Everyone should own or rent a boat! and yes we played the song "i'm on a boat" while we were on it.


Good Morning All,

I had a great vacation and got to spend some quality time with my family. I just wanted to say how important they are to me and I am proud of everyone for being true to themselves. Congrats to my little brother Joey for his 2nd season in a row playing professional basketball in Colombia! Good luck in Cartagena!!

I'm back in the ATL but my heart will always be in Jersey....see you all soon!



Back from Florida Vacay and sad about it....

Hi all,

I'm sorry i haven't been updating my blog but I was on vacay!! Now i'm back at work and not happy about it...however let's look to future adventures.

Check out this budget travel article on the Florida Keys...we didn't get down there this trip but it's def a must do on everyone's bucket list.

Happy Tuesday!

Florida Keys - Budget Travel

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